EContra One-Step® is an emergency contraceptive pill that is FDA approved for use up to 3 days (up to 72 hours) after unprotected sex or a known birth control failure. It is a backup method of preventing pregnancy and should not be used as regular birth control.
Order EContra One-Step® Where Can Patients Get It?
No your patient does not need a prescription. As an over-the-counter emergency contraceptive a prescription is not needed.
EContra One-Step® contains 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel.
EContra One-Step® acts as an emergency contraceptive by primarily inhibiting ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovary. This window of effectiveness is crucial, with EContra One-Step® being most successful when taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. It serves as a backup method in situations where regular birth control fails or isn’t used, and while containing a higher dose of levonorgestrel than birth control pills, it functions similarly to prevent pregnancy.
Time is key with EContra One-Step®. The sooner it’s taken after unprotected sex or birth control failure (within 72 hours, or 3 days), the more effective it is at preventing pregnancy. Studies show that if taken correctly, EContra One-Step® can significantly reduce chances of getting pregnant. In fact, it’s estimated that about 7 out of 8 women who would have become pregnant won’t get pregnant if they use EContra One-Step® as directed.
EContra One-Step® is a progestin-only emergency contraceptive pill for use in women to reduce chance of pregnancy after unprotected sex (if contraceptive failed or birth control was not used). EContra One-Step® is not intended to be used in place of routine birth control.
Consult the Package Insert or click here for Drug Label Information.
Commonly reported adverse reactions include menstrual changes, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, headache, dizziness, and breast pain.